Monday, October 15, 2012

Combing, Foraging, Scouring

I used to like the word "searching." It's not a bad word. It makes me think of a medieval type fairy tale or something. You know, the intrepid adventurers set out on their valiant quest to seek out the lost princess/evil dragon/legendary treasure/wish-granting fountain/magical herb/etc etc. The search high and low until they find their goal, and then they come back home to glory, honor, feasting, and a happily ever after. The end.

The problem comes in when somewhere between steps two and three, they run into some difficulties, and they discover they're doing a whole lot of searching and a whole lot less finding. Because searching gets old after a while if they're not finding anything. Then they just want to give up, forget about finding the lost princess/evil dragon/legendary treasure/wish-granting fountain/magical herb/etc etc, and go home and sleep. However, they do not become famous and get glory, honor, feasting, and a happily ever after, because no one wants to read a fairy tale about the guy who gave up and went back to bed.

This is why I don't see my phone being made into a fairy tale any time soon. Or my Wi-Fi connection.

...or me, judging by my ability to lose the same pencil three times in one study session. And it was in the same place all three times.


1 comment:

  1. As I was reading this all I could think was, "Nano, Nano, Nano, Nano, Nano, Nano, Nano, Nano...." Is November only 16 days away? I couldn't tell... :D
