Friday, September 28, 2012

Why Copy Machines and I Rarely Get Along

It's a Friday morning – just after chapel, and I have no class until choir at 2:30. This block of time is cut in half by lunch, but other than that, completely free. In other words, homework time.

So I grab my CMS article and sit down to read. There are two pages of the article per page of my course reader. I glance over the title page. I read page two. I read page three.

I begin to read what I think is page four. It makes no sense with the half sentence from page three. Turns out this is page six. Okay, well, maybe four and five were copied on the back of the page by mistake. I turn the page.

I am now on pages ten and eleven.

The next page I have is fourteen and fifteen. After that come eighteen and nineteen. I flip through the rest of the reading. This pattern continues all the way to pages sixty-two and sixty-three.

...I think I'm going to do my religion reading.

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