Friday, September 28, 2012

Why Copy Machines and I Rarely Get Along

It's a Friday morning – just after chapel, and I have no class until choir at 2:30. This block of time is cut in half by lunch, but other than that, completely free. In other words, homework time.

So I grab my CMS article and sit down to read. There are two pages of the article per page of my course reader. I glance over the title page. I read page two. I read page three.

I begin to read what I think is page four. It makes no sense with the half sentence from page three. Turns out this is page six. Okay, well, maybe four and five were copied on the back of the page by mistake. I turn the page.

I am now on pages ten and eleven.

The next page I have is fourteen and fifteen. After that come eighteen and nineteen. I flip through the rest of the reading. This pattern continues all the way to pages sixty-two and sixty-three.

...I think I'm going to do my religion reading.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shameless Tiger Love

I love my tiger.


His name is Hobbes, and I love him.

Here he is:

I'm pretty proud of my tiger. He's the first sewing project I ever undertook on my own, and I think he turned out pretty well. I mean, I know exactly where all of his flaws are, but hey, I still think he's adorable. Even if I did make him myself.

There's something about finishing a project that's really exciting. I have several projects that I've started – or gotten the supplies for, but didn't quite get to the "started" stage – and haven't completed. Hobbes is one that I saw through from start to finish. He was time-consuming, he was tedious, I've poked myself with my needle more times than I can count, and he's far from perfect – like I said, I know where my mistakes are, and I'm sure I could stand to worry less about them – but he was worth it.

Tiger hugs are pretty fantastic, too.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Not Exactly Your Average Mittens

This blog is not about mittens. That is, it isn't about the mittens most people think of when they see the word – those wonderfully warm and fuzzy things that keep my fingers from freezing during Michigan winters. This blog is actually about mittens, which happens to be my favorite word in the Latin language.

In Latin, mittens is a participle that can be translated as sending. While they are identical, the Latin word mittens is completely unrelated to the English word mittens. And that's the reason I like it. It's not a particularly exciting word on its own, but since I know the English word, it suddenly becomes kind of quirky. Or maybe that's just me – you've probably got to be a little quirky to have a favorite Latin word.

There's another reason that I've chosen mittens to be the name of this blog other than my like of the word, and that's its translation. I believe that I have been and am being sent. There are two things about sending that I think are important: one, in order to be sent, someone needs to be doing the sending, and two, I can't just be sent and leave it at that – I'm being sent somewhere for some purpose.

To do things backwards, I'll start with the second bit. I believe that I'm being sent to bring the kingdom of heaven – to bring shalom to earth. And first, I believe that I have been called to this kingdom- and shalom-bringing by God. He is sending me.

The reason behind this blog is simply for me to write on it. I am a writer, and I like to write. A blog seems like a good place to write more casually than my usual writings. I think it's a good way to think some thoughts and give the people whom I love and who love me a way to see what I'm up to and what's been on my mind lately, and hopefully also for them to respond and think with me (by way of the comments link below each post or by whatever's most comfortable).

Not everything I write here is going to be deep and philosophical (I did name this blog using a play on the word mittens, after all). I don't really know what this is going to look like. I've never had a blog before. Whatever I end up writing here, I hope that this will be a way for me to live out my sending – or to live out my mittens, as the case may be.

Peace and love,