Monday, January 7, 2013


As the dates by the side of this post will show, I haven't written on this blog in a while. I had a very busy November and December (NaNoWriMo + papers + research project + finals + etc.), and then it was Christmas break and I was home. In short, life happened.

So now I'm back at school, learning about C.S. Lewis for our three week interim (known in some circles as a J-term). Hopefully I'll be writing a little more often now. But (home)work before pleasure, as they say.

I suppose the point is I'm here. Sometimes I write stuff. Sometimes I have homework. Sometimes (when I have time) I do both. Lately I've been overusing parentheses (as seen in this post).

Please excuse my rambling. In conclusion, here's a brief limerick I heard this summer at Harbor Choral Festival. It made me laugh. If you know limericks, hopefully it will make you smile too.
There was an old man from Milan
Whose limericks never would scan
When told this was so,
He said, "Yes, I know,
But I always try to fit as many syllables into the the last line as ever I possibly can."

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