Monday, November 26, 2012

Selected Greek Doodles

Some more of my limited artistic talent for your enjoyment.

First, here's a dinosaur. It was a decent drawing day, so I got a decent dinosaur.

Here's Batty and Black looking at a bulletin board for Chao Kindergarten. It says Chao Kindergarten at the top, but it's kind of hard to read.

On the left, Black and Sunsun are riding in a hot air balloon advertising a movie that doesn't actually exist: Chao In Space 2. On the right, Batty is dangling from a helium balloon advertising Chao In Space. Poor Batty. He always got the raw end of the deal.

Here's a hippo, because none of my doodles would be complete without a hippo. You can kind of see the next one through the page.

Here's a cow. You may notice that it looks remarkably similar to my hippo. Like I said, limited artistic talent.

More chao. Here we're having some kind of pool party. Up top we have Sunsun on a swing. Ghostly is standing nearby while Gray swings on a tire swing. Below, Black and Joy are unpacking a picnic while Pickles goes snorkeling in the pool. There's also a beach ball, but it kind of got cut off in the picture. Batty is about to swing into the pool on a rope swing, but he seems to have forgotten to look before he leaps... silly Batty. Trix are for rabbits.


This is a rocket ship. My friend Alysha and I always used to draw rocket ships in stats. I guess I was feeling nostalgic. For stats. Sure.

Here's some actual work. I only include this because of what was written at the bottom of the page, which I erased so no one would look over my shoulder during class and think, "You are a sad, strange person." Except now I'm posting it on my blog, so... don't judge, okay? I was very frustrated with this sentence when I wrote it, because I worked on the thing for an hour and I still don't know what it says. Anyway, it said something like this: "I am not [name of classmate who is very smart and also very good at all things Classics]. I am Erin. That is perfectly acceptable. Even if sentence number twenty is worse than weasel bites. Seriously."

This picture is brighter because I turned the light on. That helped. It's still rather hard to read. This is because I was writing left-handed, which I am not. Here's what it says:
[why are you smiling?]
because I know something you don't know
[what is that?]
I am not left-handed
That's a quote from The Princess Bride if you haven't seen that movie or didn't recognize the quote. I'd rather be watching it than trying to translate Greek right now. Oh well. Back to work. Sigh.

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