Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Adventures of Batty and Black: College Edition

Sometimes I like to doodle. I am not an artist. There are about three things I can draw: hippos, rocket ships, and hippos in rocket ships. Sometimes I can draw dinosaurs, but it has to be a good day to get a good dinosaur.

My siblings and I used to draw these little creatures called "chao" (said like "chow") from a Sonic game. Lately I've been doodling them. I don't really know why. Maybe because they take very little skill to draw, at least in the style I draw them.

(Yes, I have been paying attention in class.)

This is a chao. (Sorry, I know the pictures aren't great.)

And this is Batty. He's the main character of the chao comic strips I used to draw.

Batty was a weird little guy. He liked to eat words.

And do random things like go parachuting.

Unfortunately, it didn't always work out so well for him.

But he always made it out okay in the end.

He liked to sleep a lot.

And eat chao fruit.

He lived in a hole in the ground...

...with his brother, Black.

They also had a little sister named Sunsun.

Batty and Black would race the other chao while riding on a fridge with wheels.

But they were usually beaten by Pickles and Joy, who rode on a star.

And their friends Ghostly and Gray beat all of them, except I can't remember what they rode.

Someone remind me to go over my Greek textbook with a heavy duty eraser if I sell it when I'm done with this course.

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