Thursday, December 12, 2013


Warning: prepare for rambling. Finals week does that to you.

I've decided that the complete lack of blog posts in November proves that my decision to refrain from tackling NaNoWriMo this year was the correct one. November is crazy enough by itself without attempting to cram fifty thousand extra words into it. Don't get me wrong -- I enjoyed NaNo while I did it and even wrote a whole post on why I did it last year. It just took me that year to learn that it's okay to say "no" sometimes. I still wrote a bit at the beginning of November, although I didn't even try for a novel. Given all the crazy projects I was working on for the past month, though, I don't regret it.

Classes are over for the semester, and I'm a paper, a project showcase, and three finals away from wrapping things up. Leading up to this week has been an odd sort of feeling. I've been both extremely excited for the end of the semester and extremely sad that it's coming. I suppose "bittersweet" would be an appropriate word here, except that seems to imply some sort of connection between the bitter- and sweetness. It's odd because there isn't. There's the strong sense of bitter and the strong sense of sweet, and there's very clearly no connection between them.

To be specific, I have a few classes I really don't want to end and one that I really do. (There's also one I'm pretty neutral about, but that's neither here nor there, as it were.) There's also the straight-up odd sense of "it's finals week! Now I can finally relax from all the busy craziness!" (I blame all the projects for the-class-which-will-not-be-named, personally.) I mean, I have plenty of work to do, but the break from routine schedule is nice. I'm sure this is more of a typical feeling than I make it out to be, but who knows.

Here's the real point of this post, I guess: I'm still here. I really just wanted to post something on this blog so that I remind myself to keep it going. In the midst of all the busyness and crazy, life goes on.

So does finals week, for that matter. But we'll get there.

It's just a matter of time.