Thursday, February 21, 2013


I think my tastebuds are broken.

It's a Thursday morning, and I'm tired. It's a cold Thursday morning, so I decide I want something warm to drink. I have a fifteen minute break before I need to leave for my next class, so I head over to the coffee shop and pick up something that sounds pretty good: a vanilla and peppermint white mocha. Vanilla, peppermint, and white chocolate. What's not to love?

Well, it tastes like coffee. As in just coffee. If I hadn't seen them putting the other flavors in, I'm not sure I would believe they were there. I happen to run into one of my friends, who asks me what I'm drinking. I tell her and let her have a sip because she loves these. Her response is something like, "What coffee?"

Apparently, I have just purchased the coffee drink with the least possible coffee taste in the entire coffee shop, and all I can taste is the stupid coffee. My friend drinks coffee slightly more often than I do. I hardly ever drink coffee. All that to say, she doesn't drink much coffee either. And yet she can taste all the other flavors and hardly the coffee.

I have weird tastebuds.

Then my other friend and I walk across the Beltline to our class only to discover an empty room when we get there. She checks her email on her phone. Class is cancelled. (It's like a snow day! Only not. At all.) That was also weird.

So now I'll get to have lunch before English instead of after (weird), I can get started studying for my Greek quiz before this afternoon (weird), and yesterday I read a thing for my cancelled communications class about some people who literally worship Michael Jackson (extra weird).

Also, coffee is weird. I can't figure out if I like it or not. I think I would like it more if I could actually taste the other flavors, which is what I was drinking it for in the first place. As is, it's just kind of "eh." It smells good, anyway.

Long story short: things are weird. Like Thursdays. And coffee.

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean coffee is weird? Coffee is great! Mom ;)
