Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Break

...if you can call that spring.

But all the snow and wind outside just means I get to stay inside and read a book, watch a movie, play the piano, make dinner, and actually have time, which college doesn't like to give me very often, to do things. Or just to do nothing.

Right up until break, everything was go. Study for the tests, finish the readings before class, get the homework in on time, pack up everything, arrange the rides, wash the dishes – just go right from one thing to the next to the next. And all of a sudden, it's over. For now. Break. A little breath in the midst of all the rushing.

So I'm just sitting here, listening to the wind whip the snow against the house, and the world is screaming, "You have time now! Do things! Don't just sit there! Go!" The world seems to say that doing nothing is a waste. It's tells us it's wrong to sit down and listen to the wind and watch the trees flow with it. Even in our times of rest, we're supposed to be doing something to relax.

Sure, there are things to do and people to see. But sometimes, it's okay to do nothing too. To take a break, look out the window, listen to the wind, breathe slowly, and simply be.

Sometimes, I think it's in those breaths between the rushes that we can really see.